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Docotral Programmes in Translation Studies, Date: 2008/12/05 - 2008/12/06, Location: Vienna, Austria

Publication date: 2008-01-01


Timarova, Sarka


Doctoral programme, Research methods


The centrepiece of doctoral research training in TS should be training in research methods. The necessary question is which research methods should be taught. I wish to consider several factors. The institutional factor: Academic institutions play a crucial role in consolidation of a discipline. By selecting the content of doctoral training, institutions help shape the discipline and future generations of researchers. The interdisciplinarity factor: Many subareas of TS require the borrowing of methods and/ or theoretical frameworks from other disciplines. This may eventually lead to fragmentation of TS. Some of these trends are already visible in the liberal arts paradigm (LAP) and empirical sciences paradigm (ESP) dichotomy. The discrepancy factor: TS needs to promote methods which are relevant to answering its central research questions. For instance, one aim of conference interpreting research is inquiry into the mental processes. Yet, there is an almost complete lack of “in-house" research training in experimental methods. The hands-on factor: There is a pressing need for more practical training as research skills can only be acquired by “doing". TS should agree on the basic range of methods all doctoral students should be familiar with. This will allow researchers to conduct competent and rigorous research, but also appreciate, critically evaluate and follow-up on work by researchers using other methods.