International Conference on Terminology, Date: 2007/11/09 - 2007/11/10, Location: Szombathely, Hungary

Publication date: 2008-01-01
Pages: 153 - 162
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado Rt.; Szombathely, Hungary

Across Languages and Cultures


Kockaert, Hendrik
Vanallemeersch, Tom ; Steurs, Frieda


Legal translation, Termextraction, Legal subdomain, Terminology, 2002 Cultural Studies, 2003 Language Studies, 2004 Linguistics, 4703 Language studies, 4704 Linguistics


Starting from a survey on how term extraction tools are mostly used, this paper suggests a new term extraction application that is expected to challenge current extraction practices in the area of legal translation in such a way that legal translation in Belgium can be at par with today's generally acclaimed quality assurance requirements (EN 15038): terminology and translation consistency are the main objectives that are expected to be met by using the proposed application of extraction tools. Mostly, extraction tools generate candidate terms from corpora, based on statistics, grammar or semantics. In this paper it has been proposed to extract the contexts of a given term together with the contexts of its translation (bilingual term-driven context extraction) by combining word alignment and concordancing. For this purpose, we devised a prototype extraction tool that hopefully will provide a basis for an efficient TMS that generates, memorizes and maintains legal phrases, which follow the archetypal style of legal language.