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Academy of Management Conference, Date: 2016/08/05 - 2016/08/09, Location: Anaheim, USA

Publication date: 2016-01-01
Publisher: Academy of Management; New York, USA

Proceedings - Academy of Management


Billsberry, Jon
Mol, Stefan ; Kristof-Brown, Amy ; De Cooman, Rein ; Humphreys, John


This symposium focuses on an active debate in the literature on person-environment fit, namely the issue of perceived fit and combines four papers (three quantitative and one qualitative), and an overall discussion. The symposium aims to provide insight in the experience of fitting and the way individuals construe the meaning of their fit to work and their employing organization. This experience of environmental compatibility, which influences micro as well as macro outcomes, is the result of a sense making process wherein a job or an organization is conceptualized as an expression of values and purposes that interact with an employee’s personal characteristics.