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Corpus Linguistics And Linguistic Theory

Publication date: 2018-05-01
Volume: 14 Pages: 99 - 131
Publisher: De Gruyter


Pijpops, D
Van De Velde, F


Social Sciences, Linguistics, Language & Linguistics, partitive, genitive, Dutch, logistic regression, usage-based, construction morphology, GRAMMAR, 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, 2004 Linguistics, Languages & Linguistics, 4704 Linguistics


This article takes a usage-based perspective on the partitive genitive construction in Dutch (iets moois, 'something beautiful'), which has previously drawn scholarly attention from a theoretical perspective, due to the challenges it presents to Dutch nominal morphosyntax. We will argue that a good understanding of the construction at issue cannot circumvent the enormous variation in the expression of the genitive marker. Within the wide variation space, regular patterns can be discerned, which we uncovered by using mixed-efects logistic regression. This approach allows us to assess the precise contribution of internal factors (e.g. length of the adjective, or the type of quantifier) and external factors (e.g. regional variety, or register), as well as their interactions. This article has three objectives then: first, it wants to contribute to the description of Dutch syntax, second it aspires to advance methodological standards in grammatical investigation, and third, it makes a theoretical plea for a usage-based perspective, with full recognition of variation.