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CHI PLAY, Date: 2017/10/15 - 2017/10/18, Location: Amsterdam

Publication date: 2017-10-01
Pages: 269 - 276
ISSN: 9781450351119
Publisher: ACM New York; New York

CHI PLAY'17 Extended Abstracts


Gielis, Karsten
Brito, Filipa ; Tournoy, Jos ; Vanden Abeele, Vero


Cognitive Assessment, Solitaire, Cognitive Functions, Serious Games, Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Cybernetics, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Computer Science, ALZHEIMERS-DISEASE, DIGITAL GAMES, DEMENTIA, TOOLS


This paper investigates whether Klondike Solitaire can be used as an assessment tool for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It does so by providing a structured analysis and mapping player actions to cognitive functions. For Klondike Solitaire, 22 player actions were defined and mapped to 10 cognitive functions by 3 health professionals in the field of MCI. The results indicate that Attention, Executive Function, Object Recognition, Abstraction and Memory can be assessed through gameplay of Solitaire. Healthcare professionals confirmed that this can potentially be valuable, as it can screen for cognitive impairments longitudinally, in a non-intrusive way, without practice effects.