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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Publication date: 2018-03-01
Volume: 41 Pages: 134 - 142
Publisher: Butterworth Heinemann


Demaerel, Joachim
Govaerts, Sebastian ; Paul, Rony Rajan ; Van Gerven, Tom ; De Borggraeve, Wim


ultrasound horn, corrosion, vanadium, Minisci reaction, sonochemistry, radical chemistry, Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Acoustics, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, Chemistry, Ultrasound horn, Corrosion, Vanadium, Sonochemistry, Radical chemistry, IMPROVED REDUCTIVE PROPERTIES, TERT-BUTYL HYDROPEROXIDE, ORGANIC-SYNTHESIS, SONOCHEMICAL REACTIONS, AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS, ULTRASOUND, CHEMISTRY, HETEROARENES, HETEROCYCLES, VANADIUM, 0306 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural), 0913 Mechanical Engineering, Organic Chemistry, 3406 Physical chemistry, 4004 Chemical engineering


Direct sonication by means of ultrasound horns constitutes a widely used technique in chemical process technology. However, the direct contact between the metal probe and the reaction mixture does not always leave the chemical system unaffected. In this report, we study the tert-butyl hydroperoxide-mediated trifluoromethylation of heterocyclic structures, and the influence of sonication thereon. Metal leaching is observed during the process and further examined, showing that several metals can interfere significantly with the chemical reaction under study. Notably, vanadium metal was found to increase the reaction rate exceptionally well, rendering it a useful additive for this type of reactions. Ultimately, some mechanistic considerations are offered, to provide more insight into the nature of the catalytic effect of leached metals.