7th International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Historical Buildings, Date: 2001/05/01 - 2001/05/01, Location: Bologna

Publication date: 2001-01-01
Volume: 13 Pages: 671 - 680
ISSN: 1-85312-869-4
Publisher: WIT Press; Southampton (UK)

Structural Studies, repairs, and Maintenance of Historical Buildings, VII


VAN HEES, R ; PILAR DE LUXAN, M ; DORREGO, F ; Van Balen, Koenraad ; Hayen, Roald ; BINDA, L ; BARONIO, G ; BREBBIA, CA


Science & Technology, Technology, Construction & Building Technology, Engineering, Civil, Engineering


Pointing plays both a technical (protective) and an aesthetical role within a wall. Pointing in monuments also possesses a historical, documentary value. Its value and its significance need to be clarified in view of a restoration. The aim of this work is to propose criteria and guidelines to carry out not only technically, but also historically and aesthetically well-considered conservation and restoration activities, thus preserving the value of the pointing within its cultural context. A history of pointing is meant to form the documentary background to evaluate cases of re-pointing. Criteria such as 'authenticity', 'homogeneity', 'durability' are discussed in relation to the preservation of the value of pointing. Well-considered restorations should take into account both the technical and the aesthetical compatibility of the (re-)pointing. During a restoration it may be necessary to reach compromises to comply with both criteria, and, therefore, a thorough documentation and motivation of all restoration aspects is essential.