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Personality and Individual Differences

Publication date: 2005-01-01
Volume: 39 Pages: 783 - 793
Publisher: Pergamon


Smits, Dirk
Kuppens, Peter


Social Sciences, Psychology, Social, Psychology, behavioral inhibition system, behavioral approach system, trait anger, coping with anger, aggression, BEHAVIORAL-APPROACH SYSTEM, BRAIN ACTIVITY, PERSONALITY, INHIBITION, ACTIVATION, EMOTION, SITUATIONS, APPRAISAL, RESPONSES, SCALES, 1701 Psychology, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, Social Psychology, 5202 Biological psychology, 5205 Social and personality psychology


In two studies, the relations between the experience and expression of anger and the Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Approach System were investigated with self-report data. In a first study, our results replicated previous findings that trait anger relates positively to both BIS and BAS, and generalized these findings to a measure of trait anger based on contextual anger responses. In a second study, the relations between anger coping-styles, anger expression, and BIS/BAS were examined. It was hypothesized that coping with anger involves low activity of either BIS or BAS, resulting in the anger coping styles of anger-out and anger-in, respectively. Measures of anger-out were found to be positively related to a measure of BAS and negatively to a measure of BIS, whereas the opposite pattern of associations was obtained for anger-in. Furthermore, corresponding to an anger-out coping style, both physical and verbal aggression were found to be positively related to BAS, and negatively to BIS. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.