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Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde

Publication date: 2011-01-01
Volume: 67 Pages: 640 - 646
Publisher: Nederlandstalige Medische Faculteiten in Belgiƫ


Lysens, Roeland
Van Wambeke, Peter ; Geusens, Eric ; Vyncke, Guido


Although WAD are usually a benign event which is likely to resolve spontaneously in time, approximately 50% of those affected are still reporting symptoms after one year, while a minority will develop a long lasting important disability. Despite increasing evidence for applying active interventions, a wide variety of different therapeutic strategies are still used in medical practice. To assist physicians in decision making and to improve the efficacy and uniformity of care for patients with whiplash-associated disorders grades I, II and III we propose evidence-based guidelines for the management of patients with respectively (sub)acute and chronic whiplash-associated disorders. The primary goals of treatment in the (sub)acute phase are a quick return to normal activities and the prevention of chronicity. Active interventions such as education, exercise therapy, training of functions, and working activities are recommended according to the length of time since the accident and therecovery rate. In case of a delayed recovery a detection and reduction of psychosocial risk factors of chronicity is recommended. Chronic WAD has to be treated with an individual and multidisciplinary rehabilitation program.