Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, Date: 2013/04/08 - 2013/04/12, Location: AUSTRALIA, Canberra
EPJ Web ofConferences
Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Particles & Fields, Physics, DETECTOR, ELEMENT, ARRAYS, 5107 Particle and high energy physics, 5110 Synchrotrons and accelerators
In-beam gamma-ray and electron spectroscopy have been widely used as tools to study the broad variety of phenomena in nuclear structure. The SPEDE spectrometer is a new device to be used in conjunction with the MINIBALL germanium detector array to enable the detection of internal conversion electrons in coincidence with gamma rays from de-exciting nuclei in radioactive ion beam experiments at the upcoming HIE-ISOLDE facility at CERN, Switzerland. Geant4 simulations were carried out in order to optimise the design and segmentation of the silicon detector to achieve good energy resolution and performance.