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Communications in Computational Physics

Publication date: 2010-11-01
Pages: 947 - 975
Publisher: Global Science Press


Rosseel, Eveline
De Gersem, Herbert ; Vandewalle, Stefan


nonlinear PDE with random coefficients, polynomial chaos, stochastic collocation method, stochastic Galerkin method, electromagnetics, Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Mathematical, Physics, Nonlinear PDE with random coefficients, PARTIAL-DIFFERENTIAL-EQUATIONS, POLYNOMIAL CHAOS, MULTIGRID METHODS, ELEMENT-METHOD, UNCERTAINTY, PROPAGATION, Applied Mathematics, 4601 Applied computing


The stochastic Galerkin and stochastic collocation method are two state-of-the-art methods for solving partial differential equations (PDE) containing random coefficients. While the latter method, which is based on sampling, can straightforwardly be applied to nonlinear stochastic PDEs, this is nontrivial for the stochastic Galerkin method and approximations are required. In this paper, both methods are used for constructing high-order solutions of a nonlinear stochastic PDE representing the magnetic vector potential in a ferromagnetic rotating cylinder. This model can be used for designing solid-rotor induction machines in various machining tools. A precise design requires to take ferromagnetic saturation effects into account and uncertainty on the nonlinear magnetic material properties. Implementation issues of the stochastic Galerkin method are addressed and a numerical comparison of the computational cost and accuracy of both methods is performed. The stochastic Galerkin method requires in general less stochastic unknowns than the stochastic collocation approach to reach a certain level of accuracy, however at a higher computational cost.