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Multivariate Behavioral Research

Publication date: 2003-01-01
Volume: 38 Pages: 161 - 188
Publisher: L. Erlbaum Associates


Smits, Dirk
De Boeck, Paul


Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications, Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods, Psychology, Experimental, Statistics & Probability, Mathematics, Mathematical Methods In Social Sciences, Psychology, LATENT TRAIT UNIDIMENSIONALITY, NEO PERSONALITY-INVENTORY, RASCH MODEL, SHAME, APPRAISAL, EMOTIONS, PHENOMENOLOGY, 01 Mathematical Sciences, 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services, 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Social Sciences Methods, 35 Commerce, management, tourism and services, 49 Mathematical sciences, 52 Psychology


Componential IRT models are often used to investigate the process structure of a cognitive task in terms of its components. Although not yet used for emotions, these models are also helpful to investigate the process structure of emotions. We investigated the process structure of guilt with the OPLM-MIRID, a particular type of componential IRT model. Based on a first exploratory study, we selected 3 components that can be considered partial guilt responses. To test this structure, we collected 10 descriptions of guilt-inducing situations. For each situation, it was asked how guilty one would feel, and also three componential questions were presented, one for each of the three selected components. The inventory was administered to 270 high school students, 130 males and 140 females, all between 17 and 19 years old. The data were analyzed with the OPLM-MIRID. All 3 components were found to contribute (α = .05) to the global guilt response: norm violation, worrying about what one did, and a tendency to restitute. The same kind of modeling seems appropriate to investigate the structure of other emotions, and more in general to validate inventories with a componential design.