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Personality and Individual Differences

Publication date: 2007-07-01
Volume: 43 Pages: 47 - 57
Publisher: Pergamon


Smits, Dirk
De Boeck, Paul


Social Sciences, Psychology, Social, Psychology, verbal aggression, inhibition, self-report method, 5-FACTOR MODEL, PERSONALITY, EXPRESSION, BIS/BAS, EMOTION, SYSTEM, 1701 Psychology, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, Social Psychology, 5202 Biological psychology, 5205 Social and personality psychology


A factor-analytic-based method to measure the inhibition of three verbally aggressive behaviours was investigated in two studies on self-report data. Inhibition was subdivided into two types: inhibition of the tendency to become verbally aggressive and inhibition of the verbally aggressive behaviour. In Study 1, it was investigated whether both kinds can be separated and measured by using a factor-analytic model. In Study 2, the approach was validated by relating both types of inhibition to broad and specific trait measures, either related to behaviour regulation or not. Inhibition of the tendency to become verbally aggressive was negatively related to Extraversion and Anger Out, and positively to hostility and a general inhibition measure. The inhibition of verbally aggressive behaviour was positively related to Agreeableness, Anger In (keeping anger inside) and anger out control (control of outward expression of anger), and negatively to Verbal Aggression and Anger Out. © 2006.