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Special Clinical Science Symposia, Date: 2024/05/29 - 2024/05/29, Location: ELECTR NETWORK

Publication date: 2024-06-01
Volume: 42
Publisher: American Society of Clinical Oncology

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Schoffski, Patrick
Heinrich, Michael C ; Trent, Jonathan C ; Serrano, Cesar ; Bauer, Sebastian ; von Mehren, Margaret ; Somaiah, Neeta ; Reichardt, Peter ; Demetri, George D ; Lydon, Nick ; Verweij, Jaap ; Kadambi, Vivek ; Christo, Jessica ; Kim, Sean ; Johnson, Debbie ; Shao, James ; George, Suzanne


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Oncology, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis, Oncology & Carcinogenesis, 3211 Oncology and carcinogenesis