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Dear Reader, Benaderingen van auteurschap via grafisch ontwerp

Publication date: 2024-06-27


Moulaert, Eva
Van Imschoot, Tom ; Verdoodt, Joris


From my practice as graphic designer I have observed a change in the discipline. Recently, designers have become more and more involved in the editorial aspects of design. Designers have become the initiators of publishing projects and exhibition concepts. One could speak of the emancipation of the graphic designer. In my design practice, I increasingly get assignments in which a storyline still has to be found and thus created. Given that graphic designers think visually, they give a different interpretation to this than, for example, a writer. A crucial change due to this new question is that the design is no longer created after the substantive storyline has been determined, the storyline is (partly) created in the design itself. Form and content cannot be dissociated in the creative process. In this case, the designer becomes a co-author, allowing alternative, unexpected forms to emerge. The research questions that are central to my PhD research are: what can narration mean in practice and in the design process? Which techniques can design practice use to develop narrative based on its specific graphic methods? These issues are the starting points for my research, which I conduct both theoretically and practically by means of workshops, a series of cases and a written reflection.