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20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Date: 2023/08/22 - 2023/08/26, Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

Publication date: 2023-08-25


Lavrijsen, Jeroen
Preckel, Franzis ; Verschueren, Karine


G048223N#57353427, L-C&Y, Talent


The construct of Need for Cognition reflects individual differences in the tendency to seek, engage in, and enjoy effortful cognitive activities. This study scrutinized the role of Need for Cognition in academic achievement in a large sample of Flemish adolescents (n = 3,409; 49.6% boys; Mage = 12.4 years). Using CFA and linear regression models, findings revealed that Need for Cognition uniquely predicted student’s academic performance, above and beyond three student characteristics conceptually and empirically related to Need for Cognition, that is, cognitive ability, openness to experience, and persistence. Moreover, two subdimensions of Need for Cognition, capturing students’ eagerness to approach cognitive challenges and their preparedness to master them, were incrementally associated with academic performance. Further investigating interactive effects between Need for Cognition and cognitive ability, Need for Cognition was observed to predict school performance independent of ability.