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Research stay at the faculty of law of the University of Warsaw, Date: 2022/11/30 - 2022/11/30, Location: Warsaw, Poland

Publication date: 2022-11-30


Dvorsky, Vaclav


Czech law, Czechoslovakia, Civil law, Private law, Legal history, Interwar period, Socialism, Recodification, Decodification


The objective of this lecture is to present Polish students of law a short outline of the evolution of Czechoslovak and Czech private law. The legal dualism of Czechoslovakia is mentioned as well as codification efforts of the interwar period. Some attention is also given to Czechoslovak civil code of 1950, but more to that of 1964 as examples of socialist influences in the civil law. Finally, Czech civil code of 2012 as well as contemporary tendencies of recodification, decodification and electronization is discussed.