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Conference: The 7th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with AWARDs (S.ARCH 2020), Location: Tokyo, Japan

Publication date: 2020-05-01
Pages: 362 - 367
ISSN: 978-3-9820-758-5-3
Publisher: S. Arch Conference Awards; Berlin

7th International conference on Architecture and the Built Environment


Stefanova, Assia
Bridgens, Ben ; Armstrong, Rachel ; In-na, Pichaya ; Caldwell, Gary S


Photosynthetic microorganisms are responsible for the habitable atmosphere that sustains the plethora of life on the planet. In a time when humanity is encountering one of its greatest challenges in the form of a global environmental crisis we look for solutions present within nature. Within bio-design we seek to incorporate living metabolic functions within buildings that enable microorganisms to adapt to a wide range of environments and feed on products we wish to transform. Owing to the responsive nature of living organisms we can foster a dialogue between our species and microorganisms by engineering environments that can help those organisms to flourish. The studies outlined in this paper explore the potential of sustaining photosynthetic microorganisms in minimal moisture environments through the use of laboratory design practice. Thus, enabling their integration within interior settings for the purpose of sequestering carbon dioxide and generation of oxygen. In this paper we assess the limitations and performance of such living materials that would help inform the conditions that would have to be created for photosynthetic microorganisms to be sustained within an uncontrolled interior setting. The paper will demonstrate a range of natural coatings and their effect on the metabolism of Chlorella vulgaris, a photosynthetic microalgae. In contrast to traditional forms of fabrication where the role of the designer is primarily concerned with generating a predetermined solution, when designing with living things the designer facilitates desirable natural processes that often unfold in unpredictable ways. Therefore, there is a need for a clear understanding of the natural requirements of living organism in terms of their metabolic functions so that we can guide their growth in a desirable way.