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The Health and Wellbeing of Professional Musicians and Music Creators in the EU – insights from research for policy and practice.

Publication date: 2023-01-12
ISSN: 978-92-76-59349-2
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union


Vermeersch, Lode
Van Herreweghe, Dries ; Meeuwssen, Marjan ; Van der Jeught, Hella ; Daenen, Liesbeth ; Smeers, Elke ; Lambrechts, Marie-Claire ; De Backer, Jos ; Reybrouck, Mark ; Ramioul, Monique ; Lenaerts, Karolien ; Van den Zegel, Ineke ; Lambreghts, Lotje ; Vandenbroeck, Sofie ; Lauwers, Tineke


arts education, health, music, wellbeing, HIVA-Civil Society - Social Dial, HIVA-Education - Lifelong Learn


In the context of its “Music Moves Europe” initiative, the European Commission has released a report “The Health and Wellbeing of Professional Musicians and Music Creators in the EU – insights from research for policy and practice”. The report reveals that the health and well-being of professional musicians and music creators in the EU is vulnerable to several risk factors and that action on many fronts is needed in order to protect them. The report is proof of the Commission’s ongoing commitment to supporting the European music sector with knowledge and solutions. While the report highlights the main risks for the physical and mental health of professional musicians and music creators, it also gives examples of successful interventions and actions (policies and practices) from several EU Member States to address these risks. It distills key policy lessons from research and provides recommendations for policies and practices that can improve the physical and mental health and safety of musicians and music creators in the EU. In terms of education, prevention and treatment.