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European Heart Journal

Publication date: 2022-08-14
Volume: 43 Pages: 2921 - 2930
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)


van Smeden, Maarten
Heinze, Georg ; Van Calster, Ben ; Asselbergs, Folkert W ; Vardas, Panos E ; Bruining, Nico ; de Jaegere, Peter ; Moore, Jason H ; Denaxas, Spiros ; Boulesteix, Anne-Laure ; Moons, Karel GM


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems, Cardiovascular System & Cardiology, Digital health, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Prediction, INDIVIDUAL PROGNOSIS, DIAGNOSIS TRIPOD, RISK, PERFORMANCE, VALIDATION, HEALTH, IMPACT, CARE, Artificial Intelligence, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Personnel, Humans, Software, C24M/20/064#55737126, 1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, 1103 Clinical Sciences, Cardiovascular System & Hematology, 3201 Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, 3202 Clinical sciences


The medical field has seen a rapid increase in the development of artificial intelligence (AI)-based prediction models. With the introduction of such AI-based prediction model tools and software in cardiovascular patient care, the cardiovascular researcher and healthcare professional are challenged to understand the opportunities as well as the limitations of the AI-based predictions. In this article, we present 12 critical questions for cardiovascular health professionals to ask when confronted with an AI-based prediction model. We aim to support medical professionals to distinguish the AI-based prediction models that can add value to patient care from the AI that does not.