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Biblical Exegesis in Theodore Of Mopsuestia’s Catechetical Homilies: Integration, Characteristic Features and Sources.

Publication date: 2022-08-31


Puchkova, Sofia




In spite of the fact that Theodore of Mopsuestia's Catechetical Homilies is a well-studied text, the research on the biblical exegesis in these homilies still has to be done. In my dissertation, I will address the influence of Theodore's theology on his exegesis in the Catechetical Homilies and the difference of this exegesis and that of the same passages in his biblical commentaries. Additionally, I will tackle the questions to what extent Theodore's exegesis is traditional or not; we will also look for the origin of some interpretations. The study of Theodore's exegesis in the Catechetical Homilies is important as it creates a more complete picture of his biblical interpretation and exegetical methodology and demonstrates the influence of his theology and the pastoral context on the exegesis. This study will also contribute to the research on Theodore's influence on the East Syrians, answering the question to which extent Theodore is tributary to this tradition or rather changed it.