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DIS '22: Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Date: 2022/06/13 - 2022/06/17, Location: Virtual Event Australia

Publication date: 2022-01-01
Pages: 335 - 348
ISSN: 978-1-4503-9358-4
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery; New York, NY, USA

Designing Interactive Systems Conference


De Greve, Teis
Malliet, Steven ; Hendriks, Niels ; Zaman, Bieke


Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Ergonomics, Computer Science, Engineering, Citizen sensing, environmental data, design things, ambiguity, air quality, DESIGN, DIGISOC INCUBATIEFIN#56259403


The use of low-cost sensors to collect environmental data can enable citizens to express environmental concerns and foster community building and activism. However, when made public, citizen data is often detached from the subjective experiences integral to citizen sensing. Our work with youngsters from diverse backgrounds explores how existing environmental datasets can be reactivated to engage new stakeholders and discussions. We present a research through design project with air quality data and draw attention to the role of ambiguity in our design process. We synthesize our reflections by discussing three design aspects that can make sense of ambiguity and encourage critical engagements with environmental data. Our goal is to offer a design-oriented account of how citizen-generated environmental data can be reactivated to express matters of concern.