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Journal Of Quaternary Science

Publication date: 2022-05-12
Volume: 37 Pages: 1164 - 1179
Publisher: Wiley


Heidgen, Shaddai
Marinova, Elena ; Nelle, Oliver ; Ebner, Martin ; Rotava, Teresa ; Tafelmaier, Yvonne ; Krauss, Raiko ; Bofinger, Joerg ; Junginger, Annett


CLIMATE-CHANGE, FIRE REGIMES, Geography, Physical, Geology, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary, HOLOCENE, HUNTER-GATHERERS, IMPACT, macrocharcoal, Mesolithic, MICROSCOPIC CHARCOAL, NORTH, palaeofire, palynology, Physical Geography, Physical Sciences, POLLEN, POTENTIAL ROLE, Science & Technology, south-western Germany, VEGETATION, 0403 Geology, 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience, 2101 Archaeology, Paleontology, 3705 Geology, 3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience, 4301 Archaeology