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Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW'22), Date: 2022/11/12 - 2022/11/16, Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Publication date: 2022-11-12
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery; New York, NY, USA

Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI)


Nguyen, Binh Vinh Duc
Han, Jihae ; Vande Moere, Andrew


adaptive architecture, human-building interaction, human-robot interaction, interactive architecture, kinetic architecture, responsive architecture, robotic architecture, robotic furniture, sense of place, smart building, smart office, smart space, 4608 Human-centred computing, 5205 Social and personality psychology


Responsive architecture envisions the built environment to dynamically adapt to the changing needs of its occupants. Such autonomous adaptation is becoming increasingly feasible as mobile robots are now able to move space-defining objects like room dividers. However, little is known as to how or when spatial adaptation should occur. We therefore measured the experience of 26 occupants while they performed six different activities inside an office breakout room that was being adapted by a robotically moving wall in either a reactive or proactive way. Based on these empirical findings, we propose how the sense of place can help understand how dynamic spatial adaptation influences the situational and subjective qualities of a space. Combined with eight recommendations that support future designers to determine how and when an autonomous spatial adaptation should occur, our research asserts that future advances in human-building interaction (HBI) should be based on creating a meaningful place rather than controlling a space.