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Journal Of Organizational Behavior

Publication date: 2023-02-01
Volume: 44
Publisher: Wiley


Vleugels, Wouter
Verbruggen, Marijke ; De Cooman, Rein ; Billsberry, Jon


Social Sciences, Business, Psychology, Applied, Management, Business & Economics, Psychology, ESM, longitudinal, person-environment fit, systematic review, temporal, time, ORGANIZATION FIT, JOB FIT, SOCIALIZATION TACTICS, WORK ENGAGEMENT, TIME, PERCEPTIONS, CONGRUENCE, MODEL, SELF, PERFORMANCE, 1503 Business and Management, 1701 Psychology, Business & Management, 3505 Human resources and industrial relations, 3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour, 5201 Applied and developmental psychology


Person–environment (PE) fit is one of the most pervasive guiding frameworks for management scholars and practitioners alike and key to our understanding of employees' emotions, attitudes, and behavior in the workplace (Kristof-Brown et al., 2005). The study of workrelated PE fit (“fit,” in short) focuses on the antecedents and consequences of the (perceived) compatibility between people and their work environment (Kristof, 1996) and covers a wide array of research on topics such as job satisfaction, job stress, vocational choices, recruitment and selection, and organizational culture (Edwards, 2008). A continuing trend in this literature is the emergence of studies looking at fit from a temporal perspective (e.g., Boon & Biron, 2016; Cooper-Thomas et al., 2004; De Cooman et al., 2009; DeRue & Morgeson, 2007; Jansen & Shipp, 2019). The purpose of this review paper is to document, review, and integrate the temporal fit literature and highlight avenues for future research.