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5th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Date: 2022/02/01 - 2022/02/04, Location: Online

Publication date: 2022-02-02


Van Even, Priscilla
Zaman, bieke ; Hannes, karin


scientific knowledge translation, dissemination practices, public science outreach, protocol, science storytelling, systematic review


There is a growing body of research evidence featuring scientific knowledge translation and dissemination initiatives. These are meant to narrow down the gap between science and the public. This protocol outlines the procedure for conducting a systematic review to identify criteria for creative and interactive forms of dissemination practices to improve and evaluate the quality of research dissemination. The overall aim of the review is to generate a comprehensive evaluation framework that could be used by science storytellers in and beyond academia. Showing the development of a protocol, step by step, can be insightful for researchers who want to conduct a scientific sound review in their (online) qualitative inquiry.