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Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

Publication date: 2006-01-01
Volume: 19 Pages: 91 - 100
Publisher: Wiley


Van den Bulck, Jan
Eggermont, Steven


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Nutrition & Dietetics, adolescents, eating habits, family dinner, mass media, skip meals, television, PHYSICAL-ACTIVITY, PARENTAL MEDIATION, CHILDHOOD OBESITY, TELEVISION, ADOLESCENTS, PATTERNS, PREDICTORS, BREAKFAST, BEHAVIORS, HABITS, Adolescent, Belgium, Computers, Confidence Intervals, Eating, Female, Humans, Internet, Male, Mass Media, Odds Ratio, Play and Playthings, Surveys and Questionnaires, Television, Time Factors, Video Games, 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics, 3202 Clinical sciences, 3210 Nutrition and dietetics


OBJECTIVE: This study examined self-reported meal skipping and eating faster than usual with the goal of watching television or playing computer games. METHOD: Respondents reported their media use and indicated how often they skipped a meal to watch a favourite television programme or to play a computer game, and how often they ate faster than usual in order to watch television or play a computer game. SUBJECTS: Respondents were 2546 adolescents of 13 (first year of secondary school) and 16 years (fourth year of secondary school) of age. RESULTS: About one respondent in 10 skipped at least one meal every week for either television viewing or computer game playing. Weekly meal skipping for television viewing occurs more regularly in boys and first-year students, but particularly in teenagers who view 5 h or more daily (15% of the sample). The category of teenagers who play computer games four times a week or more (25.3% of the sample) is at increased risk of meal skipping; those who play more than four times a week are 10 times more likely weekly to skip a meal. A quarter of the adolescents eat faster at least once a week to be able to watch television or play a computer game. Regardless of gender and school year, teenagers' risk of eating faster progressively increases with their use of the media. Those who watch 4 h or more daily are about seven times more likely to skip a meal for television and those who play computer games at least four times a week are nine times more likely weekly to skip a meal. CONCLUSIONS: Unhealthy eating habits can be a side effect of heavy or excessive media use. Teenagers' use of television or game computers during nonworking or out-of-school hours partly displaces the amount of time that needs to be spent at meals. Practitioners and educators may try to encourage or restore a pattern of healthful meal consumption habits by reducing the amount of media use, and by supporting parental rule-making regarding children's eating habits and media use.