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Composites A, Applied Science and Manufacturing

Publication date: 2001-01-01
Volume: 32 Pages: 1533 - 1539
Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd.


Pandita, Surya Darma
Huysmans, Gert ; Wevers, Martine ; Verpoest, Ignace


fabrics/textiles, fatigue, acoustic emission, electron microscopy, woven, Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, Materials Science, Composites, Engineering, Materials Science, WOVEN, 0901 Aerospace Engineering, 0912 Materials Engineering, 0913 Mechanical Engineering, Materials, 4016 Materials engineering, 4017 Mechanical engineering


The tension-tension fatigue behaviour of woven fabric composites was investigated in the on-axis and off-axis directions. Similar to the static tensile properties of woven fabric composites. the tension-tension fatigue behaviour of woven fabric composites was also observed to be anisotropic. The fatigue damage development in both the directions was studied using scanning electron microscopy and acoustic emission techniques. The influence of the applied fatigue frequency and the fatigue stress ratio in both the directions was investigated. At a fatigue frequency of 5 Hz, the hysteresis heating will occur more severely in the off-axis direction than in the on-axis direction. Increasing fatigue stress ratio will lead to a lower hysteresis heating. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.