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Acta Materialia

Publication date: 2006-02-01
Volume: 54 Pages: 1029 - 1040
Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd


Hu, Xiaohua
Van Houtte, Paul ; Liebeherr, Martin ; Walentek, Artur ; Seefeldt, Marc ; Vandekinderen, Hendrik


micromechanical modeling, yield phenomena, lamellae reorientation, situ neutron-diffraction, texture functions, deformation, cementite, flow, multilayers, mechanisms, simulation, evolution, example, Science & Technology, Technology, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science, SITU NEUTRON-DIFFRACTION, TEXTURE FUNCTIONS, DEFORMATION, CEMENTITE, FLOW, MULTILAYERS, MECHANISMS, SIMULATION, EVOLUTION, EXAMPLE, 0204 Condensed Matter Physics, 0912 Materials Engineering, 0913 Mechanical Engineering, Materials, 4016 Materials engineering, 4017 Mechanical engineering, 5104 Condensed matter physics


The prediction of the work-hardening behavior of fully lamellar pearlitic steels during cold deformation is attempted by means of phenomenological and Taylor-type micromechanical models. The phenomenological model is based on the Bouaziz model and reformulated with the iso-strain rule of mixture. It is found that the simple power law of interlamellar spacing evolution overestimates the decrease of interlamellar spacing., but this overestimation is compensated by an underestimation due to the dislocation propagation mechanism implied by the phenomenological model and that may be the reason that this model leads to a reasonable prediction of the work hardening. The full constraint Taylor pearlite model calculates yield stress of the ferrite phase. The cementite behavior is also considered in the current paper. A tentative transient law between the dislocation propagation and multiplication mechanisms is proposed and a very good prediction of work hardening is found for both wiredrawing and rolling.