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Journal of the geological society

Publication date: 2001-01-01
Volume: 158 Pages: 341 - 352
Publisher: Geological soc publ house


Debacker, TN
Sintubin, Manuel ; Verniers, J


anglo-brabant fold belt, caradoc, slump folds, northeastern-newfoundland-appalachians, late ordovician, seismites, basin, earthquakes, contourites, turbidites, example, middle, massif, Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary, Geology, Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Caradoc, NORTHEASTERN-NEWFOUNDLAND-APPALACHIANS, LATE ORDOVICIAN, SEISMITES, BASIN, EARTHQUAKES, CONTOURITES, TURBIDITES, EXAMPLE, MIDDLE, MASSIF, 0403 Geology, 0404 Geophysics, 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience, 3705 Geology


Distinguishing slump folds From tectonic folds in poorly exposed areas can be difficult, especially when the scale of the slump folds exceeds outcrop scale. In the southeastern part of the single-phase deformed, Lower Palaeozoic Anglo-Brabant fold belt a comparison of cleavage/fold relationships and stratigraphic polarity shows that a 200 m thick interval of middle Caradoc fine-grained turbidites in the core of a large synform was overturned prior to tectonic deformation. This overturning is attributed to large-scale slumping, which was most likely a result of middle Caradoc seismic activity.