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CRYPTO 2002, Date: 2002/08/18 - 2002/08/22, Location: CA, Santa Barbara

Publication date: 2002-01-01
Volume: 2442 Pages: 369 - 384
ISSN: 3-540-44050-X, 9783540440505
Publisher: Springer

Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Vercauteren, Fréderik


hyperelliptic curves, kedlaya's algorithm, monsky-washnitzer cohomology, formal cohomology, roots, cosic, Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, Kedlaya's algorithm, Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology, FORMAL COHOMOLOGY, ROOTS


We present an algorithm for computing the zeta function of an arbitrary hyperelliptic curve over a finite field F-q of characteristic 2, thereby extending the algorithm of Kedlaya for small odd characteristic. For a genus g hyperelliptic curve over F-2(n), the asymptotic running time of the algorithm is O(g(5+epsilon)n(3+epsilon)) and the space complexity is O(g(3)n(3)).