Siam journal on matrix analysis and applications

Publication date: 1991-04-01
Volume: 12 Pages: 292 - 309
Publisher: Siam publications


Van Huffel, Sabine
Zha, Hy


generalized total least squares, generalized least squares, restricted singular value decomposition, numerical linear algebra, singular value decomposition, regression, model, SISTA, 0102 Applied Mathematics, 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics, Numerical & Computational Mathematics


The restricted total least squares (RTLS) problem, presented in this paper, is devised for solving overdetermined sets of linear equations AX almost-equal-to B in which the data [A; B] are perturbed by errors of the form E* = DEC. D and C are known matrices and E is an arbitrary but bounded matrix. By choosing D and C appropriately, the RTLS problem formulation can handle any weighted least squares (LS), generalized LS, total LS, and generalized total LS problem. Also, equality constraints can be imposed.