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Physical Review C

Publication date: 2021-11-30
Volume: 104
Publisher: American Physical Society


Day Goodacre, T
Afanasjev, AV ; Barzakh, AE ; Nies, L ; Marsh, BA ; Sels, S ; Perera, UC ; Ring, P ; Wienholtz, F ; Andreyev, AN ; Van Duppen, Pieter ; Althubiti, NA ; Andel, B ; Atanasov, D ; Augusto, RS ; Billowes, J ; Blaum, K ; Cocolios, Thomas Elias ; Cubiss, JG ; Farooq-Smith, Gregory James ; Fedorov, DV ; Fedosseev, VN ; Flanagan, KT ; Gaffney, LP ; Ghys, L ; Gottberg, A ; Huyse, M ; Kreim, S ; Kunz, P ; Lunney, D ; Lynch, KM ; Manea, V ; Martinez Palenzuela, Yisel ; Medonca, TM ; Molkanov, PL ; Mougeot, M ; Ramos, JP ; Rosenbusch, M ; Rossel, RE ; Rothe, S ; Schweikhard, L ; Seliverstov, MD ; Spagnoletti, P ; Van Beveren, C ; Veinhard, M ; Verstraelen, E ; Welker, A ; Wendt, K ; Wolf, RN ; Zadvornaya, A ; Zuber, K


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Nuclear, Physics, HYPERFINE-STRUCTURE, MAGNETIC-MOMENTS, QUADRUPOLE-MOMENTS, NUCLEAR-STRUCTURE, ION-SOURCE, SHIFTS, STATES, TRAP, NUCLIDES, ISOMERS, 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Nuclear & Particles Physics, 5106 Nuclear and plasma physics


Combining laser spectroscopy in a Versatile Arc Discharge and Laser Ion Source (VADLIS) with Penning-trap mass spectrometry at the CERN-ISOLDE facility, this work reports on mean-square charge radii of neutron-rich mercury isotopes across the N=126 shell closure, the electromagnetic moments of 207Hg, and more precise mass values of 206–208Hg. The odd-even staggering (OES) of the mean square charge radii and the kink at N=126 are analyzed within the framework of covariant density functional theory (CDFT), with comparisons between different functionals to investigate the dependence of the results on the underlying single-particle structure. The observed features are defined predominantly in the particle-hole channel in CDFT, since both are present in the calculations without pairing. However, the magnitude of the kink is still affected by the occupation of the ν1i11/2 and ν2g9/2 orbitals with a dependence on the relative energies as well as pairing.