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Psychological Methods

Publication date: 2023-12-01
Volume: 28 Pages: 1335 - 1357
Publisher: American Psychological Association


Schat, Evelien
Tuerlinckx, Francis ; Smit, AC ; De Ketelaere, B ; Ceulemans, Eva


Social Sciences, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, statistical process control, online monitoring, experience sampling method, detection of mean changes, RUN-LENGTH DISTRIBUTIONS, CONTROL CHARTS, QUALITY-CONTROL, SERIAL-CORRELATION, EMOTIONAL INERTIA, ROBUSTNESS, EWMA, AUTOCORRELATION, PERFORMANCE, NONNORMALITY, Humans, Ecological Momentary Assessment, C14/19/054#55213456, 1701 Psychology, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, Social Sciences Methods, 4905 Statistics, 5201 Applied and developmental psychology, 5205 Social and personality psychology


Detecting early warning signals of developing mood disorders in continuously collected affective experience sampling (ESM) data would pave the way for timely intervention and prevention of a mood disorder from occurring or to mitigate its severity. However, there is an urgent need for online statistical methods tailored to the specifics of ESM data. Statistical process control (SPC) procedures, originally developed for monitoring industrial processes, seem promising tools. However, affective ESM data violate major assumptions of the SPC procedures: The observations are not independent across time, often skewed distributed, and characterized by missingness. Therefore, evaluating SPC performance on simulated data with typical ESM features is a crucial step. In this article, we didactically introduce six univariate and multivariate SPC procedures: Shewhart, Hotelling's T², EWMA, MEWMA, CUSUM and MCUSUM. Their behavior is illustrated on publicly available affective ESM data of a patient that relapsed into depression. To deal with the missingness, autocorrelation, and skewness in these data, we compute and monitor the day averages rather than the individual measurement occasions. Moreover, we apply all procedures on simulated data with typical affective ESM features, and evaluate their performance at detecting small to moderate mean changes. The simulation results indicate that the (M)EWMA and (M)CUSUM procedures clearly outperform the Shewhart and Hotelling's T² procedures and support using day averages rather than the original data. Based on these results, we provide some recommendations for optimizing SPC performance when monitoring ESM data as well as a wide range of directions for future research. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).