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Journal Of Lightwave Technology

Publication date: 2021-12-15
Volume: 39 Pages: 7794 - 7803
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Dat, Pham Tien
Rottenberg, François ; Kanno, Atsuhi ; Yamamoto, Naokatsu ; Kawanishi, Tetsuya


Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Optics, Telecommunications, Engineering, MIMO communication, Optical fiber polarization, Optical fiber networks, Wavelength division multiplexing, Interference, Wireless communication, Digital signal processing, Fifth-generation and beyond, millimeter-wave, mobile fronthaul, multiple-input multiple-output, radio-over-fiber, seamless fiber-wireless system, RADIO-OVER-FIBER, LINK, 0205 Optical Physics, 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1005 Communications Technologies, Optoelectronics & Photonics, 4006 Communications engineering, 4008 Electrical engineering, 5102 Atomic, molecular and optical physics


We propose and demonstrate a 3×3 full multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fiber-wireless system in the W-band with wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and polarization-division multiplexing (PDM) radio-over-fiber (RoF) transmission capability. The system is realized using two highly stable RoF links based on the optical self-heterodyne method and PDM transmission in one of the RoF links. We experimentally demonstrate and confirm satisfactory performances for a 3×3 MIMO offset quadrature amplitude modulation-based filter-bank multicarrier signal. Total capacities of approximately 110 and 132 Gb/s, corresponding to spectral efficiencies of approximately 8.5 and 10.2 bits/s/Hz, respectively, are achieved for the system using antennas placed in the same and alternately different polarizations, respectively. The system is applicable to WDM and combined WDM/PDM RoF transmissions. It provides a scalable solution for facilitating large-scale MIMO signal transportation and can be a promising solution for future mobile transport and radio access networks in high-frequency bands.