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Management Science

Publication date: 2020-09-01
Volume: 66 Pages: 3927 - 3955
Publisher: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences


van Bilsen, Servaas
Laeven, Roger JA ; Nijman, Theo E


Social Sciences, Science & Technology, Technology, Management, Operations Research & Management Science, Business & Economics, loss aversion, endogenous reference level, prospect theory, optimal consumption choice, optimal portfolio choice, HABIT FORMATION, PROSPECT-THEORY, LIFE-CYCLE, DECISION-MAKING, REGRET THEORY, ASSET PRICES, SELECTION, DISAPPOINTMENT, EQUITY, MODEL, 08 Information and Computing Sciences, 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services, Operations Research, 35 Commerce, management, tourism and services, 38 Economics, 46 Information and computing sciences