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Flanders Architecture Institute: Unfolding the Archives #2

Publication date: 2020-11-13


Van Den Berghe, Johan
Taillieu, Jo ; De Vos, Luc ; Dekeyser, Koen ; Velghe, Frank ; Lampens, Dieter ; Dufait, Daan


architectural drawing, architectural detail


Unfolding the Archives #2 presents the drawings and plans for a less well-known project by Juliaan Lampens from1972 (unbuilt): a tourist office at the seaside resort of Blankenberge. From exploratory design sketches to impressive execution drawings, there is no better project by which to illustrate the diversity of the Lampens archive. The documents also demonstrate the importance that Lampens attached to the craft of drawing and materialisation. Moreover, they bear witness to Lampens' fascination for the architectural detail, which is key throughout his body of work. Although the tourist office remained unbuilt, the project has been elaborated in consummate detail. A selection of life-size detail drawings lifts the status of the architectural drawing from mere representation to an almost physical presence. The exhibition also fits within the Academic Design office The Architectural Detail ( and within the research scope of KU Leuven department of Architecture, research group the Drawing and the Space (