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It's Going to Rain Soon

Publication date: 2019-05-23


van Dam, Renske Maria
shin, seonmi ; Schurch, Laura ; Delarue, Juliette ; van Dam, Britt ; Krupey, Yuriy ; Doorman, Robbie ; pan, mica ; torsleff, valter ; dekker, wimke ; ullrich, franca ; libilbehety, florianne ; kokol, neza ; boudewijn, kaja ; berge, herman ; jand, gabi ; phuong, tania ; gasparis, alex


A slightly rough texture, a minor vibration, a change in intensity of temperature or color. Within our daily experience as well as within the design process tiny perceptions guide our way. They are the ‘difference that makes a difference’. With a focus on these ‘Tiny Perceptions’ Renske Maria van Dam and the students of the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam presented ‘It’s going to rain soon’: a spatial-temporal exhibition in which the sun and the wind perform.