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IEEE 47th Conference on Photovoltaic Specialists, Date: 2020/06/15 - 2020/08/21, Location: Virtual

Publication date: 2020-01-01
Pages: 996 - 1001
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers



Willockx, Brecht
Herteleer, Bert ; Cappelle, Jan


Science & Technology, Technology, Energy & Fuels, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Engineering, Agrivoltaic, Agrovoltaic, Simulation tool, European potential, Photovoltaic application, WOFOST, PARTIAL SHADE


This study presents an evaluation of the potential of agrovoltaic (combined use of photovoltaic systems and crop production) systems in Europe, using a python-based agrovoltaic simulation tool. The evaluation is based on three criteria: the PV energy yield, potential crop yield, and the agronomic impact of the agrovoltaic system on the biomass yield. Results confirm that the potential of PV energy increases with decreasing latitude, i.e. higher solar insolation levels. In contrast, the potential agricultural yield of winter wheat mainly depends on the variety of the crop and its ability to absorb light in shaded conditions. The leaf area index will be a crucial parameter in order to evaluate the performance in agrovoltaic conditions. It is concluded that the biggest potential in Europe for agrovoltaic systems with winter wheat is situated around the Mediterranean region, with a high PV performance, limited grain yield losses and a high potential of additional protection against heat stress and drought by agrovoltaic structures.