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Geologica Carpathica

Publication date: 2018-02-01
Volume: 69 Pages: 30 - 50
Publisher: Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia


Doubrawa, Monika
Gross, Martin ; Harzhauser, Mathias


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary, Geology, Middle Miocene, Sarmatian s. str, gastropoda, Styria/Austria, terrestrial environments, FILHOLIIDAE WENZ 1923, GASTROPODA PULMONATA, EARLY/MIDDLE MIOCENE, GRATKORN, SANDELZHAUSEN, PARATETHYS, GERMANY, FAUNA, STRATIGRAPHY, QUATERNARY, 0403 Geology, 3705 Geology


© 2018 Nataša Crossed D signoković et al., published by De Gruyter Open. This paper describes the section and fossil content of a former gravel pit in the Eastern Styrian Basin (SE Austria), which exposes sediments of a fluvial system, ranging from within channel to overbank environments. A predominately terrestrial gastropod fauna of 15 species so far, was recovered from a palaeosol formed in a moist and vegetated, floodplain or abandoned channel. Up-section, a shallow freshwater pond/lake developed within the floodplain, settled by fishes, molluscs and ostracods. By integrating regional geological and biostratigraphical data derived from the terrestrial gastropod fauna as well as from the other recovered biota, these strata are of late middle Miocene (late Sarmatian s.str.) age. Hence, this fossil site provides a rare insight into the terrestrial habitats in the hinterland of the Sarmatian Sea and their biota, which are otherwise barely known in Central Europe.