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Sex Roles

Publication date: 2021-01-01
Volume: 84 Pages: 34 - 48
Publisher: Springer Verlag


Hoorens, Vera
Dekkers, Gijs ; Deschrijver, Eliane


Social Sciences, Psychology, Developmental, Psychology, Social, Women's Studies, Psychology, Sexism, Prejudice, Course evaluation, Teacher effectiveness evaluation, Students' evaluation of teaching, Self-affirmation, FEMALE COLLEGE-TEACHERS, IMPACT, GRADE, OVERCORRECTION, CONSEQUENCES, PSYCHOLOGY, ETHNICITY, PREJUDICE, OPTIMISM, RATINGS, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, 1699 Other Studies in Human Society, 1701 Psychology, Social Psychology, 4405 Gender studies, 5201 Applied and developmental psychology, 5205 Social and personality psychology


Students evaluate male professors higher than female professors. In a study that we presented to participants as a test of a new form for student evaluations of teaching (SETs), we examined if self-affirmation (contemplating elements that positively contribute to one’s self-image) reduced the gender bias. Belgian students (n = 568), who were randomly assigned to self-affirm (through either a value-affirmation task or self-superiority priming) or not, read a vignette prompting them to imagine that they had received a good or a bad grade from a male or a female professor. They evaluated the course, the professor, and the form. Non-self-affirmed participants showed a gender bias after a bad grade, disadvantaging the female professor. Self-affirmation eradicated the gender bias by lowering evaluations for the male professor, suggesting that the gender bias involves overvaluing male rather than derogating female professors. Without self-affirmation, the positivity of the SETs was correlated with participants’ evaluation of the SET form itself. Self-affirmation inflated the correlation for the male professor and eradicated it for the female professor. Having students self-affirm before SETs may be useful when SETs are obligatory only. An even better approach is asking SETs before students learn their grades or simply abolish SETs as a factor in hiring and promotion decisions.