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Journal of Religious Education

Publication date: 2020-03-16
Volume: 68 11
Publisher: Springer (part of Springer Nature)


Pollefeyt, Didier


Arts & Humanities, Religion, Catholic identity, Hermeneutics, Religious education, 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1303 Specialist Studies in Education, 1608 Sociology, 3901 Curriculum and pedagogy, 3903 Education systems, 3904 Specialist studies in education


This article describes the contours of hermeneutical learning in the context of religious education. Hermeneutical learning is firstly distinguished from monoreligious learning and multireligious learning. Hermeneutical learning is based on a triple hermeneutic task: interpretation of text, context and the biography of the student, and avoids both monocorrelation and relativism. In realising this task, the concept of ‘hermeneutical intersections’ is introduced as well as criteria to deal with these ‘conflicts of interpretations’ in religious education. Finally, the role of the religious educator is developed as witness, specialist, and moderator in the hermeneutical learning process.