Théodore Abû Qurrah: Opuscules théologiques. Introduction, édition critique, traduction et commentaire historique et doctrinal

Publication date: 2019-11-08


D'Agostino, P




Theodore Abū Qurra, Melkite bishop of Ḥarrān (8th-9th c.), left a vast production of Arabic texts. SevTheodore Abū Qurra, Melkite bishop of Ḥarrān (8th-9th c.), left a vast production of Arabic texts. Several Greek opuscula have been attributed to him as well. These are in the form of letters, dialogues, question-and-answer and homilies, and they are transmitted by many manuscripts. Their content is multifaceted: it concerns the theological polemics against Islam, on one side, and apologetics vis-à-vis non-Chalcedonian Christians (Monophysites and Nestorians), on the other. Considering that Migne's Patrologia Graeca (1865) is the current reference edition, a new scientific study is highly valuable. Since the antimuslim production has already been edited, the present study focuses on the manuscript tradition of the antirrhetical opuscula and on their edition. In addition, the text edition of several unpublished writings is provided. This thesis consists of three parts: first, we outline the biography of the author and discuss the authorship of the works; second, we describe the manuscripts and study the tradition; in the third, we publish the critical text accompanied by a French translation. The last section is preceded by an introduction for the contextualization of Theodore's opuscula in the scope of the theological production of that period.