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Gender and innovation in STE(A)M education

Publication date: 2018-06-05
Publisher: European Schoolnet


Jiménez Iglesias, M
Müller, J ; Ruiz-Mallén, I ; Kim, E ; Cripps, E ; Heras, M ; Filipecki Martins, S ; van Laar, M ; Tramonti, M ; Valenzuela-Zapata, A ; Gras-Velázquez, A ; Akue Da Silva, A ; Alexopoulos, A ; Baldursson, R ; Bes, M ; Benameur, Z ; Bogner, FX ; Cala, V ; Ceuleers, E ; Daras, D ; Dochshanov, A ; Giampaoli, D ; Kırmacı, H ; Kolenberg, Katrien ; Martev, I ; Ronsijn, S ; Siotou, E ; Tortosa, M ; Vizzini, C ; Kolenberg, Katrien


STEM, STEAM, gender stereotypes, gender bias, arts, collaboration


Gender aspects continue to play an important role in science education, conditioning study choices or shaping beliefs about one's own capacities and those of others. Performing arts based initiatives are on the forefront of innovative science education approaches and have participatory, dialogic and dialectic qualities to engage students in democratic, inclusive and reflective ways of learning. Both these dimensions can be brought together in order to explore how arts-based science education can contribute to address gender bias and stereotypes in educational and team-collaborative settings.