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Safety Science

Publication date: 2019-03-01
Volume: 113 Pages: 200 - 209
Publisher: Elsevier


Broekema, Wout
Porth, Jan ; Steen, Trui ; Torenvlied, Rene


Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Industrial, Operations Research & Management Science, Engineering, Crisis leadership, Crisis management, Organizational learning, Crisis learning, Public service motivation, Mayors, Survey, POLITICIZATION, INFORMATION, MANAGEMENT, INCIDENTS, NETWORKS, BEHAVIOR, USER, 09 Engineering, 11 Medical and Health Sciences, 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Human Factors, 40 Engineering, 42 Health sciences, 52 Psychology


© 2018 This study explores public leaders’ organizational learning orientation in the wake of a crisis. More precisely, we study the association between public leaders’ public service motivation and their learning orientation (instrumental versus political). This research addresses the lack of systematic empirical data on crisis-induced learning and provides a first systematic operationalization of this important concept. We analyze survey data collected from 209 Dutch mayors on their learning priorities in responding to a hypothetical crisis situation in their municipality. The mayors’ response patterns reveal (1) “cognitive”, (2) “behavioral”, (3) “accountability”, and (4) “external communication” dimensions of crisis-induced learning. We find that mayors with a stronger public service motivation put more effort into instrumental learning (dimensions 1 and 2), and surprisingly, also into political learning (dimensions 3 and 4). Mayoral experience in previous crises is positively associated with accountability-related learning after a crisis. However, mayoral tenure is negatively associated with crisis-induced behavioral learning.