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KNX Scientific Conference 2018, Date: 2018/10/18 - 2018/10/19, Location: Vienna

Publication date: 2018-10-19

KNX Journal


Goeminne, Joachim


Debugging in a building management system via innovative data analysis of automated processes in ‘Smart lab of the Future’ (Joachim Goeminne) (Odisee University Ghent) (Bachelor Energy Technology) ( KNX SCIENTIFIC PARTNERSHIP ABSTRACT 2018 The focus of this research project is to set up a KNX-logging system via bynubian. Via energy analysis of the connected consumers in the lab domotics in University Odisee Ghent, sectors are targeted on the basis of the analysed efficiency of the consumers involved. We opt for KNX building management system (to which the various systems are connected) because this is the worldwide standard for housing and building control. In this way the potential target group increases, in particular the heating sector (with among other things renewable energies such as heat pump), the lighting sector, etc. In this way we hope to contribute to climate protection and energy efficiency. This research project started with the automation of the lab domotics which operate as a smart lab of the future (and has been nominated for the KNX Award young). This project will be the basis for the research projects in the next few years in the lab domotics. In the lab these components are to be implemented: KNX-DALI lighting control and presence detection, shutter control, energy measuring, heat measuring, air quality measuring and security. A KNX- DALI-RGBW gateway will be used to control the new ballasts for the automation of the LED lights of the lab domotics. The controlling of the lab domotics will be done with the visualization software KNX Vision. The software is made by Bynubian. It connects with the Bynode III Type KNX which is implemented in the installation. The Bynode will be used as a measuring system for the installation to evaluate and adjust the system for better performance. All data communication on the bus during normal operation is logged via this bynode module. All data is collected on a central server. In the research project, we want more insight into the behavior of this lab and all systems connected to it through extensive data analysis. Through accompanying software, the byNeuron cloud platform, we can monitor the energy consumption of the lab in real time via personalized dashboards. In addition to this research, security in this lab is also very important. Therefore we mention these aspects: electric security, which is done by an overvoltage conductor, and visual security. Two IP-cameras of NEST are used for the visual security which will be integrated in the KNX Vision. Finally every window has a contact that will be monitored with KNX to take the appropriate actions on it. Keywords: • Renewables • Security • Energy efficiency • Climate protection • KNX Dali Lighting • KNX Vision