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27th European Symposium on Programming, Date: 2018/04/14 - 2018/04/20, Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

Publication date: 2018-04-14
Volume: 10801 Pages: 415 - 441
ISSN: 978-3-319-89883-4
Publisher: Springer

Programming Languages and Systems. ESOP 2018.


Hamin, Jafar
Jacobs, Bart


Monitors constitute one of the common techniques to synchronize threads in multithreaded programs, where calling a wait command on a condition variable suspends the caller thread and notifying a condition variable causes the threads waiting for that condition variable to resume their execution. One potential problem with these programs is that a waiting thread might be suspended forever leading to deadlock, a state where each thread of the program is waiting for a condition variable or a lock. In this paper, a modular verification approach for deadlock-freedom of such programs is presented, ensuring that in any state of the execution of the program if there are some threads suspended then there exists at least one thread running. The main idea behind this approach is to make sure that for any condition variable v for which a thread is waiting there exists a thread obliged to fulfil an obligation for v that only waits for a waitable object whose wait level, an arbitrary number associated with each waitable object, is less than the wait level of v. The relaxed precedence relation introduced in this paper, aiming to avoid cycles, can also benefit some other verification approaches, verifying deadlock-freedom of other synchronization constructs such as channels and semaphores, enabling them to accept a wider range of deadlock-free programs. We encoded the proposed proof rules in the VeriFast program verifier and by defining some appropriate invariants for the locks associated with some condition variables succeeded in verifying some popular use cases of monitors including unbounded/bounded buffer, sleeping barber, barrier, and readers-writers locks. A soundness proof for the presented approach is provided; some of the trickiest lemmas in this proof have been machine-checked with Coq.