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Physical Review C

Publication date: 2017-09-23
Volume: 96
Publisher: American Physical Society


Farooq-Smith, Gregory James
Vernon, AR ; Billowes, J ; Binnersley, CL ; Bissell, Mark ; Cocolios, Thomas Elias ; Goodacre, T Day ; de Groote, Ruben ; Flanagan, KT ; Franchoo, S ; Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando ; Gins, Wouter ; K. M. Lynch, Kara ; Marsh, BA ; Neyens, Gerda ; Rothe, S ; Stroke, HH ; Wilkins, SG ; Yang, Xiaofei


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Nuclear, Physics, SQUARE CHARGE RADII, QUADRUPOLE-MOMENTS, NUCLEAR, NEUTRON, 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Nuclear & Particles Physics, 5106 Nuclear and plasma physics


Magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole moments for 65,67,69,75,79–82 Ga are reported using the Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) technique at the ISOLDE facility, CERN. The moments of 65 Ga have been measured for the first time: μ = +1.775(3) μ N and Qs = +21.0(15) efm 2 . These results are compared to shell-model calculations using the GXPF1 and JUN45 interactions and the trends of the moments approaching the region of the doubly magic 56 Ni are discussed. Additionally, new values for the change in mean-square charge radii for 65Ga and 67Ga allow investigation into the odd-even staggering in the region below N = 40.