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EVS, Date: 2017/10/09 - 2017/10/11, Location: Stuttgart

Publication date: 2017-10-09
Volume: 30

EVS Proceedings


Colle, Auguste
Leenders, Rien ; Motoasca, Emilia ; Rotthier, Bram ; Cappelle, Jan


bicycle, data acquisition, GPS, range prediction


Cycling range prediction is, more often than not, completely absent in commercially available Electrically Power Assisted Cycles (EPACs); most EPAC users are satisfied with a simple battery status indication. How- ever, the rising use of EPACS with an assistance speed up to 45 km/h , the so-called speed pedelecs, increases energy consumption drastically in such a way that further lead to the reinstatement of range anxiety despite an unchanged trajectory. This paper introduces a range prediction algorithm by on-board collecting of GPS data and weather data and real-time analysis of the cycling style. By adding to this monitoring of battery power, a method to estimate the model parameters (drag area, rolling friction and cyclist power) is proposed and validated.