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Trends in ecology & evolution

Publication date: 2001-04-01
Volume: 16 Pages: 191 - 198
Publisher: Elsevier science london


Jeppesen, E
Leavitt, P ; De Meester, Luc ; Jensen, JP


arctic fennoscandian lakes, surface sediment, shallow lakes, indicators, assemblages, zooplankton, record, communities, predation, salinity, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics & Heredity, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, SURFACE SEDIMENT, LAKE, INDICATORS, ZOOPLANKTON, ASSEMBLAGES, PREDATION, COMMUNITY, SALINITY, DYNAMICS, RECORD, 05 Environmental Sciences, 06 Biological Sciences, 31 Biological sciences, 41 Environmental sciences


The field of lake palaeoecology has undergone significant changes. Powerful quantitative techniques have been developed to investigate anthropogenic impacts on lakes. Inclusion of zooplankton and benthic chydorid cladocerans has provided previously unavailable information on the historical development of planktivorous fish populations, submerged macrophytes and lake production, and has been used to document exotic species introductions, rapid genetic evolution and human disturbance of lakes. In particular, new techniques now allow a more complete evaluation of changes in past and present trophic structure to be made, and provide insights on the rapid evolutionary responses of aquatic invertebrate communities to anthropogenic perturbation of lakes.